Freelancer: akward13
Report Entry


Here are two options for the print cover. I am in the process of extending the background to the back page instead of just the spine, so the smoke isn't done yet and the lion boarder isn't either obviously. I am liking the black bar for the spine. I think it gives a more polished feel to it. I can always add some type of boarder there too. Also changed the font for the 'hidden child' part. I'm still partial to the cursive one from before, but see how you like this one.

Contest Entry #127 for                                                 The World of Evendaar Cover

Public Clarification Board

  • evendaar
    Contest Holder
    • 9 years ago

    I like the smoke on the back but I see you point about the spine. Maybe the smoke could have a different point of origin for the back cover and take away the need for smoke on the spine. I love the smoke effect and think it will look so beautiful when printed so I'm determined to have it where it looks best.

    • 9 years ago