Freelancer: ctavella
Report Entry

first part - fluid shifts

Hello NASA. This is just the first part. I would like to know if there is the style you are looking for. I could continue the animation with the same style. I tried to upload a MPEG video with H264 codec (which is the best option in format .mp4) but this platform did not allow me. Please, check why! I uploaded a heavy .avi video to preserve something of quality. Of course you could suggest things and I could do changes. Thank you very much and I will be waiting for answering.

Public Clarification Board

  • ctavella
    • 4 years ago

    When the camera zoom into the arterial system the idea would be start the second part of the animation... like is showed in the storyboard. I will also show how the heart increase and all we can see in the storyboard

    • 4 years ago