Design a Tattoo around an existing one

Contest Brief

Hi. My existing tattoo was made two years after i lost my son, he lived only for two hours.
Mainly, I want my tattoo to remember me of him, to be an elogy to him but i DO NOT want it to scream - "sadness", "tombstone", "funeral". As long as I know what it means, i am fine with other not being able to know what it is all about, but also, I want to eliminate what is is not.
- it is not an american Indian head - so that impression must be reduced -
- it is not a local soccer team's logo - so i have to eliminate that away too -

What I was thinking of adding to it is the folowing:
- add a modern tattoo background/drawing around it - it can be anything from abstract to real, from trees to clouds or lanscapes - anything!
- you can go outside its current width if your talent tells you so;
- it would be fine if the proposed background would minimize the current drawing error - as you can see from this screenshot, it not too straight - do not try too much on this - I can live with this :)
- add colors ONLY if you really feel it can make a difference
- enhance the shadows effect of the wings if possible
- 3D the wing bones - right now it feels like clipart -;

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Employer Feedback

“Very dedicated work. I appreciated his stubbornness in providing the best quality in his work.”

Profile image valentindragan, Romania.

Public Clarification Board

  • valentindragan
    Contest Holder
    • 6 years ago

    #7 and #1 are close to what I need.
    #1 is not considering the lack of space above the tip of the wing (is not respecting the arm tattoo ratio)
    Future submissions please do not reproduce the ideas for #7 and #1 .
    I like them because they fill up the space, just like a requested.
    #7 is going a little bit too much towards a tombstone art.
    #7 The wing is the closest I want to get people guessing what it is all about, I do not want it to get too angelic or heavenly.
    #7 is boldly going towards my arm front - I will try to avoid that.

    • 6 years ago

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